If You Stay In a Hotel Instead of a Five Star Vacation Rental Your Car Insurance May Go Up
Summer is quickly passing by, and you have yet to plan your family vacation. That’s okay; we’re here to help. But you must listen to what we say, or you could end up with a life of regret. Seriously.
You take a real gamble with your vacation when you stay anywhere else but in one of our luxurious rental properties. Aside from the fact that our feelings will be deeply hurt, you could well be destined for a real vacation nightmare. In an earlier blog we detailed the heartache you’ll face before you even get to sleep on your first day in a hotel vacation. We start this week’s blog on the night you arrive at your hotel after you’ve finally got the entire family in bed. It’s been a long day, and the family finally starts drifting off to sleep.

A few moments after you start to swim out into the warm fluffy ocean of vacation dreams, you learn that 4am is the exact right time for members of the Audubon Society to embark on their birdwatching trek for the day. Now fully awake, again, the entire family listens intently as the birdwatchers slowly file past your room with each practicing a specific bird call they will be using to coax birds closer throughout the day. While you’d really rather be sleeping, you are all astonished at the amazing variety of bird calls produced by the 150 or so bird lovers passing just outside your door. And as the hallway finally begins to quiet down, your room begins to brighten up. The sun is rising on the first full day of your vacation.

The entire family is grumpy, tired, and hungry. But since you’re not in one of our luxurious Five Star Vacation Rentals, there is no kitchen, no refrigerator, and no microwave. You’ve got to trek outside in search of food.
But first you have to find your car. A late-model white SUV sure seemed like a good idea at the dealership when you bought it, but now you’re looking at a sea of them in the hotel parking lot. No worry. You pull out your key dongle and holding it high above your head you trigger the car’s alarm. You hear a distant honking and start working toward the sound. In almost no time at all, you find your car. Unfortunately, you also find that some lovesick teenager has scratched the message, “I hate you Brad” across the hood of your car. It seems Brad also drives a late-model white SUV, and his ex-girlfriend is no better at finding his car than you were at finding yours. Oh well.
Undaunted, you pile the family into the car and commence your search for food. You’re determined to make this a fun day. You tell them to look on the bright side. At least you’re not Brad, and your car insurance rates had to go up eventually anyway.
Is this really what you had in mind?
Most families get only one vacation a year, and many families can only get away once every few years or so. Your vacation time is too important to leave to chance. Every year families return from vacations with stories of fun things they did, but all too often these stories are tempered with tales of horrible hotel rooms, noisy neighbors and lousy parking. So let’s divide up your vacation and make sure this one is a winner. You start planning for fun things to do in one of our many destinations, and we’ll be sure to have only the most luxurious quality cabins, condos and homes ready for you when you arrive. Almost all of our units offer private parking in only the best neighborhoods. We promise that your car will not be marred with the message, “I hate you Brad,” or we’ll give you your money back. Honest.

In the meantime, please call us at 310-780-3411 to book your vacation getaway. Browse all of our Big Bear cabins on this page. If you’re planning a vacation somewhere other than Big Bear, please be sure to look at our luxury rentals in Park City,Palm Springs/La Quinta, Southern California Beaches, Mammoth Mountain, and Villa la Estancia in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Regardless of where you may go, you’ll have the confidence of knowing that Five Star Vacation Rentals is working to make your vacation relaxing and memorable.
It’s our goal to make sure that you enjoy your second, third, and fourth stay with us even more than your first.
Posted on 07/19/2012 in FiveStarVacationRental.com News and Updates tag - Big Bear Cabins for Rent, big bear vacation, Family Vacation in Big Bear, Five Star Vacation Rentals, Luxury Vacation Rental, relaxing vacation, vacation rentals