More August Events in Big Bear

Posted on 07/29/2016 in Five Star Vacation Rentals Big Bear Cabins.

Most of us are acutely aware that summer is rapidly slipping away from us.  If you haven’t already started, in just a few short weeks you’ll be shopping for school supplies and new clothes for the fall semester.  You’ll be swapping out your summer schedule for the busier one that happens each year when the kids return to school.  There’s still time to make this summer one to remember with some great activities planned for August.

Cycling raceBig Bear has one of Southern California’s most active cycling clubs, and they have a number of scheduled events coming up in August. You can join the Big Bear Cycling Association several days each week for a variety of group rides for the full spectrum of riders.  Some are geared toward experienced competitive riders, but many are intended for guests and tourists to enjoy the beauty of Big Bear by joining other riders on scenic routes.  One of their biggest rides of the year is coming up on Saturday, August 6th. The Tour de Big Bear spans over 100 miles, and covers some of the most beautiful scenery found anywhere in the area.  Shorter distances are available as well.  Visit their website for more information and to sign up:

As we’ve mentioned in our recent blogs, August also sees the arrival of the annual Renaissance Faire with all the great food, fun entertainment, and amazing period performers.  This is one of our most popular events, so you’ll want to book your vacation rental cabin or estate early to make sure you’re all ready for some great jousting over a cup of mead. The Renaissance Faire runs weekends August 6-7, 13-14, 20-21 at Pederson’s Mill in Fawnskin.

Here’s a quick rundown on just a handful of other events you can enjoy during your stay with us.  This is just a small sample!

Wednesdays enjoy some good old fashioned line dancing at Wyatt’s Saloon at the Convention Center.  Free lessons and music provided by DJ Joe Vonesh.  Doors open at 4pm, and dancing starts at 7pm.

Fridays and Saturdays are Honkey Tonk nights back at Wyatt’s Saloon.  Enjoy live music with some foot-stomping great times.  Doors open at 4pm, and the fun starts at 6pm.

HikingFeetSaturday mornings in August the Big Bear Discovery Center offers guided nature walks.  These are a great opportunity to explore the amazing beauty that surrounds us here in Big Bear and learn some amazing facts about the history of the area.  Visit their website for details:

Combine these scheduled events with Big Bear’s amazing hiking trails, boating, and scenic beauty, and you can see we’ve got lots of great fun in store for you during your stay with us in Big Bear.  And if you’re interested in relaxing elsewhere, we’ve got some great options.  We also maintain rentals in  Nuevo VallartaMammoth MountainPark CitySouthern California Beaches, and La Quinta. No matter what city you are visiting, staying in a Five Star Vacation Rental property will ensure that you experience the absolute best in luxury accommodations. We would be glad to help you plan your vacation to Big Bear or elsewhere, so if you would like more information, you can reach out to us by calling 310-780-3411.


Summer Vacation Will Soon Be Just a Memory

Posted on 07/22/2016 in Uncategorized.

VanInForestIf you’re like us, you’re astonished by how quickly the summer is passing by.  August is almost here, and that means most families are getting ready to start the kids back to school.  The flyers in our mailboxes and Sunday papers just reinforce this with all the back-to-school sales cropping up. You can almost hear the alarm going off on that first morning  back, marking a definite end to summer vacation.  And you can’t pull the covers over your head on that morning.

But there’s still some good news.  We have some of the finest quality luxury vacation rentals, and we still have openings available before the end of summer.  If you’ve found yourself daydreaming at work thinking about getting away, we can help.  Wouldn’t you really rather be relaxing on the deck of your luxury vacation rental in the forest, feeling a cool breeze on your face, and enjoying the refreshing sights and sounds of Big Bear?

Your kids will also enjoy the opportunity to get away for a summer vacation in Big Bear.  A childhood vacation to this beautiful spot can spark a lifelong love for the outdoors.  Pack your bikes or rent some when you arrive, and you can take in even more of the natural surroundings.  Include a weekend in your stay, and you can head over to the Big Bear Discovery Center for weekend programs including an evening campfire and some fun crafts.

We also have some other great opportunities for summer vacation to our other destinations.We also maintain rentals in  Nuevo VallartaMammoth MountainPark CitySouthern California Beaches, and La Quinta. No matter what city you are visiting, staying in a Five Star Vacation Rental property will ensure that you experience the absolute best in luxury accommodations. We would be glad to help you plan your vacation to Big Bear or elsewhere, so if you would like more information, you can reach out to us by calling 310-780-3411.


Find Your Knight in Shining Armor

Posted on 07/15/2016 in Big Bear Renaissance Faire.

travelling minstralsWeekends in August present a unique opportunity for our guests to finally find their actual knight in shining armor.  The first three weekends in August will see the fun and bawdy entertainment of Big Bear’s Renaissance Faire.  Join us August 6-7, 13-14, or 20-21 for this trip back to a simpler time when “Gimme some mead!” was a much more commonly heard phrase than it is today.

The Big Bear Renaissance Faire never fails to give some great entertainment for the whole family.  Ever wonder what happens when you place 130 pounds of metal armor on two men, have them mount 2000 pound horses, and then attempt to skewer each other with hemlock lances while charging at 30mph toward each other?  Well, it’s quite a sight. And it’s one that you’re not likely to soon forget.

In addition to this display of brute force, you’ll also be treated to more cultural displays like period music, mischievous minstrels, and food so delicious, you’ll stop eating it only when you run out of room for it.

KnightInArmorThis is always a busy time in Big Bear, so be sure to book your cabin or estate early.  It seems we have many guests who are searching for that elusive knight in shining armor. And once you begin your quest, you’ll quickly find yourself in a medieval frame of mind. But remember: No mace tournaments in the dining room!

Looking for some relaxation elsewhere? We’ve got some great options.  We also maintain rentals in  Nuevo VallartaMammoth MountainPark CitySouthern California Beaches, and La Quinta. No matter what city you are visiting, staying in a Five Star Vacation Rental property will ensure that you experience the absolute best in luxury accommodations. We would be glad to help you plan your vacation to Big Bear or elsewhere, so if you would like more information, you can reach out to us by calling 310-780-3411.

August in Big Bear

Posted on 07/08/2016 in Five Star Vacation Rentals Big Bear Cabins.

August is huge in Big Bear.  It’s the month we see some of our favorite activities finally arrive each year.  And with these activities, we usually see a surge in our reservations, so make your plans early to get the best vacation rentals!

Cast political correctness out the window and come celebrate the 15th Annual Big Bear Renaissance Faire.  You’ll find yourself transported back to a simpler time when men were men and turkey legs were the size of your head.  You’ll get to watch the knights in a friendly jousting tournament, and be sure to find the Queen for a special treat.  There’s amazing food, entertainment, and non-stop fun.  It’s an event you’ll return to year after year.  This is one of Big Bear’s most popular events each year, so you’ll want to plan ahead.  The faire runs weekends, August 6-7, 13-14, and 20-21.  Visit this link for more details and to purchase tickets:

Another favorite coming up in August is the 27th annual Antique Car Fun Run over the weekend of the 12th through the 14th.  This annual event is a must-see for all car enthusiasts or anyone who appreciates the history of automobiles.  You’ll get to see some of the finest examples of superb craftsmanship and engineering found anywhere on four wheels.  Meet the owners of these fine automobiles and listen to their stories of discovery and restoration.  You’ll find more than one amazing beauty that spent much of its life hidden away in a barn somewhere before one of these intrepid collectors found it and restored it.  This event is free to the public, so get more details and exhibitor info at this link:

Along with these two big annual events, you’ll have plenty of ongoing events to choose from as well during August.  There are weekly community bike rides, live music on weekends, line dancing and hiking clubs.  Big Bear is a great destination to do some of your favorite things while surrounded with the tremendous natural beauty of the area.

Looking for some relaxation elsewhere? We’ve got some great options.  We also maintain rentals in  Nuevo VallartaMammoth MountainPark CitySouthern California Beaches, and La Quinta. No matter what city you are visiting, staying in a Five Star Vacation Rental property will ensure that you experience the absolute best in luxury accommodations. We would be glad to help you plan your vacation to Big Bear or elsewhere, so if you would like more information, you can reach out to us by calling 310-780-3411.

What's On Your Vacation Schedule?

Posted on 07/01/2016 in Big Bear Vacation Rental.

Planning a vacation usually starts with picking a place and booking your stay, but then you must make the plan within the plan. With a destination chosen, you can pick what attractions and activities to fill up your schedule with. In Big Bear, it won’t be a challenge to find items to add, but it may be a challenge to narrow down a list that will fit the time you’re spending in town.

If there’s a single must-see in Big Bear, it’s probably the town’s titular lake. With activities for the whole family that run annually, you can catch fishing tournaments in Summer and other seasonal activities throughout the year. Surrounding the lake are other natural wonders that invite exploration and adventure, so don’t forget to take in the exploits offered by Big Bear’s own terrain while you’re visiting.

Other activities include the Discovery Center and a rotation of monthly activities downtown, but perhaps now’s the time to rebel and make absolutely no plans at all. With a wealth of activities to take in, there’s no pressure to make plans or decisions, and an open schedule can give you and your family the freedom to explore. Don’t get too committed to a strict itinerary when the distractions you find along the way could very well be the best part of the trip.

One part of the experience to mark on your schedule is relaxation. Vacations are all about having fun and getting away, and scheduling some relaxation time is a big part of that. When you’re staying in a deluxe cabin in the heart of Big Bear’s gorgeous forests, it isn’t hard to unwind. Take the opportunity to let stress go and enjoy the simple pleasure of a home away from home. The rest of your vacation schedule will be better for it.

But if you’re looking for a something else, we also maintain rentals in  Nuevo VallartaMammoth MountainPark CitySouthern California Beaches, and La Quinta. No matter what city you are visiting, staying in a Five Star Vacation Rental property will ensure that you experience the absolute best in luxury accommodations. We would be glad to help you plan your vacation to Big Bear or elsewhere, so if you would like more information, you can reach out to us by calling 310-780-3411.
